Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Amal Neerad for a Vinayakan film

Director Amal Neerad who is fresh from his Prithviraj hit 'Anwar' which took a surprise initial, has revealed his original plans to cast character actor Vinayakan as the hero in a new film. The young actor who was mostly seen in underground based films, was also seen in important roles in Amal's all the three movies including 'Big B', and Saagar Alias Jackey reloaded'. Vinayakan was also exceptional in the new movie 'Best Actor', which had him as a dumb character.

Amal who finds Vinayakan to posses an international appeal is also in full praise for the actor. The director also revealed to the magazine that in fact he planned his debut movie with Vinayakan as the lead hero, but couldn't convince any producer to pay money for such a project. But Amal is confident that in the newer circumstances, he will be able to realise the same project in the near future. He also observes that if Vinayakan had been in other international cities like Paris, he would have been a leading model in the fashion circuit.


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